The Kingdom is the colliding place.
It is living and subversive,
humble in its power,
redemptive in its authority,
gracious in pain,
surrendered to persecution.
Meek and mild
but with the force of a million angels.
The Kingdom is the place where pain and promise collide, the pain of earth in all its evils--
Wars, famine, genocide, hate, all the evils
And the promise of heaven in all its hope--
The promise of healing, grace, mercy, compassion, comfort and hope.
The Kingdom is the colliding place…
Where a man killed on a cross is the Savior healing the world.
The cross is perhaps the best image of this Kingdom…
The beams stretching between the sky and the soil
and then holding arms outstretched for the unity of humanity.
The cross where the death of one was given for the life of all
Where the blood of one cleansed the hearts of all
Where the pain of one promised the healing of all
The colliding place.